Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Clara Batton Smith, Artist


Can you imagine how wonderfully creative the world of designing costumes for Chicago Children's Theatre must be?  Well that is where Clara Batton Smith began her creative career . . . . now look at where it has taken her:  "MASQUERADE" is just absolutely amazing.il_430xN_36417480_clarabsmith

The amazement is not just found in the colors and subject matter but the incredible detail!


As Clara states in her own profile on Etsy, She began by collage techniques in her costume design work. Realizing that she was enjoying the art of  of making the costume renderings in preparation for the actual costume, she followed he heart and kept going down the rendering path and eventually landed on Etsy with her magnificent work.  How lucky are we?


Have a look at "LA CHANTEUSE," The expressiveness is extraordinary in this piece.





Clara has recently relocated to  Melbourne, Australia, but she is still right next door to everyone on Etsy.  Before you click on another URL go check out the rest of her incredible work on Etsy.

Here is Clara Batton Smith's Storefront link:

"CLARABSMITH" : http://www.clarabsmith.etsy.com


And one more image for the road -
